Ticket Sales
To purchase tickets, please click on the yellow ticket symbol for the night you want and follow the instructions.
The electronic ticket will be sent to your email address at the end of the transaction. You will need to be able to show this at the door, either as a printed ticket or as an image on a mobile phone.
For popular shows, it can be surprisingly difficult to completely synchronise the last few ticket sales between the web site and the Village Shop (returns, sudden illness, changing social arrangements and so on). If you see the "Sold Out" symbol against the date and time of the performance that you want to buy, it may be worth trying the village shop (01225 859186)
The electronic ticket will be sent to your email address at the end of the transaction. You will need to be able to show this at the door, either as a printed ticket or as an image on a mobile phone.
For popular shows, it can be surprisingly difficult to completely synchronise the last few ticket sales between the web site and the Village Shop (returns, sudden illness, changing social arrangements and so on). If you see the "Sold Out" symbol against the date and time of the performance that you want to buy, it may be worth trying the village shop (01225 859186)